UpCode offers optimized mobile tools for construction sites, including mobile saftey measurement (TR-Mittaus), work management and pass control. 22.07.2014
UpCode offers optimized mobile tools for construction sites, including mobile saftey measurement (TR-Mittaus), work management and pass control. 22.07.2014
UPC offers new media solutions, amongst other things we offer combining of media to products. 18.07.2014
Vaasan Vesi (region water provider) has been using the UpCode people flow management system a couple of years and is […]
Our customer Skaala Ikkunat ja Ovet Oy is a forerunner in many ways and is now expanding the UpCode system […]
UpCode delivered a system used to avoid fake trade register certificates in Algeria. Yesterday the Minister of Commerce Amara Ben […]
Again many new usage places for TYKY-online 04.06.2014
UpCode was visited by a delegation that studied the possibilites of implementing eEducation and eHealth solutions in SouthAfrica. 30.05.2014
UPC received an order for evaluating the value of using information as a strategy in enhancement of GDP growth in […]
UpCode offers new system for confirmation of code location. Contact us for more information. 16.05.2014
UpCode Ltd. partners with SICPA SA, University of Surrey, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Everything Ltd. and Universita degli […]